the Twelfth International Workshop on
Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services
October 21, 2024 - Paris, France
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Workshop Organizer
and General Chair
Tayeb Lemlouma
Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA Lab, France
Yevgeniya Kovalchuk
University College London, United Kingdom
Chair Chair
Sébastien Laborie
LIUPPA Lab - University of Pau, France
Abderrezak Rachedi
LIGM Lab - University Gustave Eiffel (UGE), France
Publication and Publicity Chair
  Tayeb Lemlouma, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA Lab, France
TPC Members
  + Abderrahim Benslimane * University of Avignon - France
+ Yevgeniya Kovalchuk * University College London - United Kingdom (Great Britain)
+ Sébastien Laborie * Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - France
+ Tayeb Lemlouma * IRISA Lab and Rennes 1 University - France
+ Abderrezak Rachedi * Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge (LIGM UMR8049) - France
+ Carlos Abreu - Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo - Portugal
+ Alti Adel - University of SETIF - Algeria
+ Alexander Alexeev - Indiana University - USA
+ Carlos A. Astudillo - University of Campinas - Brazil
+ Meryeme Ayache - National Institute of Posts and Telecommunications - INPT - Morocco
+ Rémi Bastide - Université de Toulouse - France
+ Nabil Benamar - Moulay Ismail University - Morocco
+ Petros S. Bithas - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Greece
+ Yudith C. Cardinale - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Venezuela
+ Marta Cavagnaro - Sapienza University of Rome - Italy
+ Jose Maria Cecilia - Universitat Politécnica de València - Spain
+ Mohamed Aymen Chalouf - IRISA Lab - University of Rennes 1 - France
+ Ayan Chatterjee - The University of Agder, Grimstad Norway - Norway
+ Adil Chekati - University of Tunis El Manar - Tunisia
+ Sérgio D. Correia - Polytechnic University of Portalegre - Portugal
+ Luca Davoli - University of Parma - Italy
+ Jose N de Souza - UFC - Brazil
+ Carl J. Debono - University of Malta - Malta
+ Maria Diamanti - National Technical University of Athens - Greece
+ Ravilla Dilli - Manipal Institute of Technology - India
+ Mohammad Javad Ebadi - Chabahar Maritime University - France
+ Saad El Jaouhari - ISEP - France
+ Pingyi Fan - Tsinghua University - China
+ Luca Foschini - University of Bologna - Italy
+ Sebastian Fudickar - University of Luebeck, Institute of Medical Informatics, MOVE Group - Germany
+ Amjad Gawanmeh - University of Dubai - United Arab Emirates
+ Javier Gozalvez - Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche - Spain
+ Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul - University of Rennes - France
+ Thomas Jell - Siemens AG - Germany
+ Georgios Kambourakis - University of the Aegean - Greece
+ Bouabdellah Kechar - University of Oran1 - Algeria
+ Mounir Kellil - CEA LIST - France
+ Abderrahmane Lakas - UAE University - United Arab Emirates
+ Wassila Lalouani - Towson University - USA
+ Trupil Limbasiya - Desay SV Automotive Singapore Pvt Ltd - Singapore
+ Sergio Ivan Lopes - Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo - Portugal
+ Damien Magoni - University of Bordeaux - France
+ Nader Mbarek - LIB, University of Burgundy - France
+ Andreas Menychtas - BioAssist S.A. - Greece
+ Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko - Military University of Land Forces - Poland
+ Mounir Mokhtari - Institut Mines-Télécom - France
+ Hassnaa Moustafa - Intel Corporation - USA
+ Anand Nayyar - Duy Tan University - Vietnam
+ Filippo Palumbo - National Research Council (CNR) - Italy
+ Tiago C Pereira - University of Minho - Portugal
+ Nadana Ravishankar, T - SRM Institute of Science and Technology - India
+ Philippe Roose - University of Pau - IUT de Bayonne - France
+ Andrzej Rucinski - - USA
+ Prasan Kumar Sahoo - Chang Gung University - Taiwan
+ Adérito Seixas - Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Portugal
+ Dimitrios Serpanos - University of Patras - Greece
+ Emmanouil G. Spanakis - Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Institute of Computer Science - Greece
+ Constance Thierry - IRISA Lab - Rennes Univ - France
+ Markos Tsipouras - University of Western Macedonia - Greece
+ Frédéric Weis - IRISA / University Rennes - France
+ Bidai Zahia - Oran1 University - Algeria
+ Engin Zeydan - CTTC - Spain
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